Nappy packs - Why choose to dispose when you can Pop-in?
Whether you are looking at full-time, part-time or just one nappy a day we have something for you, and choosing to reuse on any level all helps significantly reduce your families footprint . We have curated some great options to help kickstart your reusable journey or simply build or add to your existing cloth nappy stash. You can find some from birth packs which include our award winning newborn nappies (5lb-12lbs) these are designed to bridge the gap from tiny newborn to birth to potty sizing, this is a time when you will tend to use the most nappies due to high frequency of changes. Others packs here are exclusively birth to potty and will grow with your little one from approximately 9/10lbs to 35lbs. Lots of these packs also contain some of our fantastic Pop-in accessories which are all specifically designed to make the choosing to reuse, easier, cleaner and more reliable for our Close Parents!
WHAT DO I NEED - If you are using reusable nappies occassionally or part-time you may need between 5-15 nappies and accessories and for full-time use we would recommend approximately 20-25 nappies.
Our nappies and accessories are all now made from recycled material, so as well as diverting disposables from landfill you will also be part of a circular economy helping us to transform plastic waste into useful, sustainable products #frombintobum
Happy nappying!